It's only Tuesday, but it has already felt like such a long and busy week! We have been packing boxes and stacking them up all around the house in preparation for the big move on Saturday. It feels so weird to be leaving the only home we've known as a couple. With pictures off the wall and accessories packed away, it hardly feels like home anymore. Mike was hilarious as we packed last night and made it so much fun! I love that he makes everything we do together (even something as grueling as packing) such a blast!
I've also been busy hosting a
blog for my 10-year high school reunion, which is also on Saturday. It's been so fulfilling to be apart of something that has really brought the class together. I
really hope to be able to make it to the reunion, especially because I've put so much work into it, but we'll just have to wait to see how the move goes. Bad timing, I know.