I’ve certainly broken a record for how long I’ve let pass without posting anything—we’ve just been so extremely busy!!! I apologize. We moved on Saturday (big thanks to all of you that helped!) and have been settling into our new place. Yesterday Mike and I attended our Orem ward for the very last time and were both released from our callings. I survived the piano solo I was asked to play in Sacrament Meeting (believe me…I would never volunteer for such a thing!) and survived teaching my last Sharing Time in that ward. I didn’t think I would get emotional about leaving, but when a little girl named Lily came up to me after Primary with tears in her eyes and wrapped her arms around me and said “I love you and I’ll really miss you," the tears welled up!! It was the sweetest thing and it meant the world to me. Although sad to leave, we’re excited to be opening up the next chapter in our lives.
We still don't have an internet connection, so I rarely get the chance to get online and it's killing me!!! I’ll get more posts and videos of Bryson up as soon as we get connected again. Sorry for the delay!