I was just thinking today about how thankful I am for my sisters and thought I'd post two of my favorite pictures of us together. They are two of my best friends! Rachel is only 1 year and 10 days younger than I am and we have always been extremely close and have always had the same group of friends. She is such a talented beautician and is so generous and caring. She has such a wonderful heart and hopes to be adopting a baby soon.

Taylor is 10 years younger than I am and was always the annoying little tag-a-long that idolized everything Rachel and I did, but now she's one of us and we idolize
her. She is an incredible athlete and example to me and wants to serve a mission in 1 1/2 years--that is, if she doesn't get a ring planted on her finger first! I don't know what I'd do without these girls in my life! I feel so blessed and love them so much!