
Junior Achievement & The Store

Mike and his work (& high school) buddy Tyson volunteer twice a month at local elementary school's doing Junior Achievement with Kindergartners. They teach the kids about money and the different types of coins. They talk about how you can earn money, save money, and trade things for money. Mike loves it and always comes home with cute stories about the kids he gets to work with.

This last time Mike brought home money worksheets so we could do them with Bryson. He also brought home a little paper piggy bank that Bryson has had so much fun stuffing money into. After learning about money, Bryson came up with the idea to play store-- such a little entrepreneur! He gathered up a few of his favorite things and got them displayed nicely on the piano bench (aka: the store) and then we took turns being the store owner and the customer. Bryson loved it and couldn't get enough of it.

Bryson is also lucky to have a grandma that teaches 2nd grade and so he gets to stop by her school periodically to say hi and visit with her students. This past week her class put on a play called The Mean Queen. Bryson loved it and couldn't stop smiling and laughing as he watched. Bryson even got to eat lunch with Granny Goose in the school cafeteria. He had pizza.
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