
A Day in the Life of Bryson

We got home from church a few hours ago and are enjoying a lazy Sunday afternoon at home. Mike is asleep on the couch with a football game on, Bryson is in his room playing with his Matchbox cars, and I’m sitting here in front of the computer updating our blog (which I never seem to have enough time to do anymore). I thought it would be fun to share with you what a day in the life of Bryson is like, so this past Thursday I documented Bryson’s day with my camera. So without further ado, here's what a (Thurs)day in the life of Bryson is like:

8:00 - Woke up & ate breakfast (chocolate milk, toast, eggs, and fruit)
8:30 - Watched He-Man (rented from the library) snuggled up under his blanket
9:30 - Played with his red lunch box, shooter guns, Lego boats, green space ship made out of blocks, and dinosaurs
10:00 - Got dressed and ready for preschool
10:30 - Went to preschool at Joe Joe's house and learned about the letter "I" (inches, ice, & imagination)
(click to view larger)

12:30 - Ate lunch (spaghetti & veggies) and practiced the ABC's

1:00 - Did "Bryson's Box of Fun."
(click to view larger)

I created this box so we'd have fun stuff to do during the winter months while it's too cold to play outside. It's filled with fun activities for us to do together so we don't get cabin fever. Here's what Bryson drew that day:



We set the chairs up in the kitchen like a taxi cab. Bryson was the driver and pretended to drive me to fun places around the city. Once we got there, we got out of the car and pretended we were really at those places.

It was Bryson's first time playing Simon Says and he loved it. He even got to play it again in church today and was so excited.

We pulled out some of my paper food models from my dietetics days and talked about each food and what they do for our bodies. Then Bryson divided the foods into the foods he likes to eat and the foods he doesn't like to eat.


Other activities in the box are: blindfold & guess the noise, build a fort, sing songs, make a shoe trail, practice sports in the basement, play Red Light, Green Light, play a board game, go on a drive and look for stop signs, have a sword fight, take funny pictures of each other, dance to different types of music, play the ABC game, play "I'm thinking of something...", make a pretend restaurant, play puppets, play a COLOR game, make up a funny story, have an indoor picnic, blindfold and guess the object, practice counting things around the house, do an art project, play hide & seek, play with balloons, blow bubbles, play animal charades, color or paint, play with play dough, do "the magic chair", have a treasure hunt, read books, play the "what's missing from the tray of objects" game, play with car or train track

3:00 - Had a snack and then had "quiet time"
During quiet time Bryson has to stay in his room, but I let him choose whether to take a nap or just to play quietly. Usually he'll play for a bit and then will climb into his bed for a short nap. During his quiet time I work.

5:00 - Watched Narnia while I worked on dinner
6:00 - Ate dinner (Sun-dried Tomato and Whole Grain Pasta with smoked salmon added & veggies)
6:30 - Wrestled with daddy
7:00 - Took a bath
7:30 - Got in jammies, brushed teeth, read stories, said prayers
8:00 - Went to bed after playing for a bit in his room

Just had to end with this picture taken yesterday at Brock's birthday party. This is the perfect photo to show how Bryson usually walks around all day---armed and ready. I sure love my little man!

P.S. He's now a SUNBEAM!!!
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