
Jazz Game & Home Study

We've had such a great weekend! Our adoption home study was scheduled for Friday evening but Mike ended up scoring free Jazz tickets (vs. the Spurs) so we pulled some strings and were able to move our home study to Saturday.The Jazz game made such a fun date night. Too bad they lost. :(

These are some of my cute girls from Young Women's that came to babysit Brock and Bryson while we went to the game. The boys loved them and had an absolute blast.

This is how we found Brock and Bryson when we got home. They are always so cute together and love their monthly sleepovers.

Our home study on Saturday went really well, and we should finally be approved to adopt on WEDNESDAY (next Wednesday at the latest). We are so excited!!! I'll post a link to our profile as soon as they get it published online for us.

Saturday evening, on our way home from a wedding reception in Brigham City, I got a text from my sister Rachel announcing that a birth mom has chosen them to be the parents to her little boy due on December 1st!!!! We are SO stinkin' excited for them! It's a really cute story. Read all about it here. Miracles really do happen!
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