HALLMARK: Thanks to the Hallmark Recordable Story Book Mommy Kim sent Bryson (see here), we got asked by Hallmark to write a 1200 word article about our adoption story to be published in two adoption magazines in December to help Hallmark promote their new Recordable Story Books.
Bryson and I will also be making our local television debut on KUTV's (CH 2) “Fresh Living” show on Monday, Nov. 22nd at 1:00 pm. They are doing a segment on Hallmark Recordable Storybooks and have asked us to share our story. We're crossing our fingers all of this very unsought adoption exposure will help us in some way find the next little one meant to join our family---that's the only reason I'm trying to be brave enough to do all of it.
SUU FOOTBALL: Last weekend we drove down to Cedar City to watch Abbel (my sister's hubby) play in his last home football game of the season. SUU did awesome and beat DSC 52-0. Abbel did amazing and scored a touchdown. Thanks for having us Taylor & Abbel! We had a blast!
THE ZOO: My sister and I took the boys on a fun adventure to the zoo last week. The animals were so active and the boys loved it. Bryson's favorite animals at the zoo were the funny gorillas, the talking macaw, and the snakes.
"Life is not a competition with others. In its truest sense it is a rivalry with ourselves. We should each day seek to break the record of our yesterday. We should seek each day to live stronger, better, truer lives; each day to master some weakness of yesterday; each day to repair past follies; each day to surpass...ourselves. And this is but progress."