Cute Story:
On the way out of the library, Bryson asked to "borrow" my phone. So I pulled it out of my bag and placed it in his little hand. He immediately pressed it up to his ear and started pretend talking to I don't know who about I'm not sure what, but he just kept talking away. We walked over to the crosswalk and he talked the entire time we waited to cross the street and as we crossed. Then while waiting at the TRAX station, he paced back and forth and continued to carry on his phone conversation. Then we got on the very crowded train (we had to stand in the aisle) and with his right hand holding the phone and his left hand clinging onto a bar for balance, he continued to carry on his conversation with full confidence. Everyone around us watched him in awe and with smiles on their faces. It was like watching a grown up man trying to take care of an important business deal while trapped in a little boys body. I regret that I didn't video tape the whole thing or even take a picture because it was one of the cutest things I've ever seen. I guess recording it here will have to do.
On the way out of the library, Bryson asked to "borrow" my phone. So I pulled it out of my bag and placed it in his little hand. He immediately pressed it up to his ear and started pretend talking to I don't know who about I'm not sure what, but he just kept talking away. We walked over to the crosswalk and he talked the entire time we waited to cross the street and as we crossed. Then while waiting at the TRAX station, he paced back and forth and continued to carry on his phone conversation. Then we got on the very crowded train (we had to stand in the aisle) and with his right hand holding the phone and his left hand clinging onto a bar for balance, he continued to carry on his conversation with full confidence. Everyone around us watched him in awe and with smiles on their faces. It was like watching a grown up man trying to take care of an important business deal while trapped in a little boys body. I regret that I didn't video tape the whole thing or even take a picture because it was one of the cutest things I've ever seen. I guess recording it here will have to do.