My grandpa Green (my mom's dad) celebrated his 90th birthday this past week! We had a big birthday celebration for him in the President's Room in the Joseph Smith Memorial Building on Temple Square.

Someone representing every part of his life was there to speak and it was so neat to learn things about my grandpa that I didn't know before. I learned that he was trained to fly B29 Bombers in WWII but was lucky enough to never have to go to war because the war ended just before he was sent to fight. It was amazing to realize that I probably wouldn't be here if he had fought because he most likely would have been killed.
I also learned more about the numerous missions he and my grandma served to New Zealand and the Philippines and about the many years he sung in the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. He's lived an amazing life!

The room we were in had an amazing view of the temple... and of Brigham Young. :)

The party ended with my grandpa very joyously singing "Have a Holly Jolly Christmas" to all of us in his beautiful voice. I love him so much and only hope that I can live my life in the same amazing way that he has.
P.S. The wife of one of my very best friends growing up (
Ryan) is possibly nearing the end of a three year battle with cancer. My heart is just aching for them and their little boy. She continues to fight so hard and we hope and pray for the best. I ask that you
please keep them in your prayers.