We had a busy Halloween! We began the evening at my brother
Zack's house. His birthday is tomorrow so we had a birthday/Halloween party. They served some of the best homemade chili I've ever eaten. It was seriously SO GOOD!

After dinner we got the kids all ready to hit the streets.

Here they are with Granny Goose. Bryson was a Tiger this year and looked so cute even though he refused to wear the tiger-faced hood. It was especially cute to hear his little tiger roar.

We took Bryson around to about ten houses. He wasn't quite sure what to think of all the weirdo's walking around in costume, but seemed to enjoy the trick-or-treating process.
He especially loved digging into his loot.
Can you guess what Mike and I were?

You guessed it-- BACON & EGGS! Yeah, we rocked it big time!

We ended the evening by going to a Halloween party some friends of ours threw. It was great to catch up with old friends. All-in-all it was a spooktacularly
(is that a word?) fabulous Halloween!