The Aiono Family.
The seven Hinckley kids. It was such an amazing experience to be in the temple with all of my siblings and my parents for the very first time. I am so grateful for the restoration of the priesthood which enables us to be linked together as eternal families.
Taylor and her cute bridesmaids. The one on the far left is going to be in High School Musical 3. She had to miss part of the reception because they were filming that night. It will be fun to watch for her in it.
Abbel and his groomsmen. They were Abbel's roommates and also play on the SUU football team with him.
The tulips on the temple grounds were so beautiful that we had to take a picture with them.
"Trying" to look cool in the sunglasses Ali Cool Cat brought for Abbel & Taylor. I don't think it was working.
A family picture in front of the temple.
The wedding luncheon was at The Roof Restaurant at the top of the Joseph Smith Memorial Building. I about passed out when I walked in and saw this glass piano. It has been my dream every since I started playing the piano at age 4 to someday own one. Maybe someday...
A family picture at the reception center. Believe it or not, those high-heels you see on my feet are the first pair I have EVER owned and worn. After spending only five minutes in them I thought I was going to die! Thank goodness my flip-flops came to the rescue!
Taylor & Abbel's cute black and white cake.
Taylor and Ali. It's been fun to watch Taylor and Ali's friendship grow throughout the years Mike and I have been married. They've become really good friends, BFF's in fact.
It is Samoan tradition for the bride & groom to do a money dance. It was a blast to watch! Hopefully I'll be posting a video soon that my brother took of it. It got pretty crazy!!!

They really raked in the dough!
The last part of the evening was spent dancing the night away...

I had no idea Ali had such killer dance moves!