
Kidney Transplant Anniversary

Nine years ago today Mike received a kidney transplant from his very generous older brother Devon. For the seven months prior to his transplant, Mike was on dialysis and felt absolutely miserable. Just 20 minutes after they put Devon's kidney in him, he peed for the first time in seven months! It was a pretty exciting moment. Thanks so much Devon for sacrificing a major organ to give Mike a life without dialysis. Transplant surgery is far harder on the donor than the recipient and we will forever be grateful to Devon for going through what he did for Mike. FYI: the longest a kidney recipient has gone so far without needing another kidney is 44 years. We hope Mike will beat that!

Mike would only let me post this picture as long as I let you know that the reason he looks like "crap" is because he had been in bed for two days and just had a major surgery...

...and yes, that is a bag of urine hanging from Mike's walker thingy. Very attractive.

To celebrate, I think I'll open a can of kidney beans for dinner. Anyone care to join us? :)

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