I've been
tagged! The name of this game is to answer the following 10 questions and then tag 4 other friends to do the same on their blog pages...
To be honest, I told myself that I would never do this because I am not a big fan of talking about myself (I'm rather shy by nature) and because the whole "tagging" thing annoys Mike (he'll be mad when he sees I did this), but since my cute friend
Joann is the person that tagged me, I just had to comply...and sorry it's taken me about two months to finally get to it. :)
1. Best thing you cooked last week? Chili Verde Pork with fresh homemade salsa and lime cilantro rice. My sis-in-law
Camden sent this recipe my way and it was scrumptious.
2. If money, time and babysitting were no object, where would you go and with who? I have always dreamed of going
to Egypt and riding a camel around the pyramids. I've always been fascinated by Egyptian history. I'd go with my amazing husband, of course. He makes everything fun!
3. When was the last time you cried? Last Sunday as I listened to Mike give Bryson his sweet blessing. I could feel, what I'm sure is just a glimpse, of the amazing love Heavenly Father has for little Bryson and for each of us. Bryson is such a little miracle and he will always know how special he is and how loved he is because he was adopted.
4. Five things you were doing 10 years ago: 1-attending Ricks College, 2- majoring in Interior Design, 3- dating guys I wasn't interested in, 4- living with fun roommates, 5- wondering when the man of my dreams would come into my life.
5. Five things you were doing 5 years ago: 1- enjoying life as a newlywed with the man of my
dreams, 2-excitedly buying furniture & accessories for our new little condo (we just sold it...so sad!), 3- attending UVSC to get pre-requisites done to apply to the dietetics program at BYU, 4- working on the display/decorating crew at
R.C. Willey, 5- Trying to talk Mike into filling out his side of our adoption paperwork (although I wasn't grateful at the time, I can now see that Mike dragging his feet was one of the little miracles that helped us find Bryson).
6. Five things you were doing 1 year ago: 1- graduating from BYU (BS in dietetics), 2-working full-time as a teacher at the MTC and loving every minute of it! 3-madly getting our adoption paperwork completed, 4- serving in the Primary, 5- hoping to become a mother soon.
7. Seven of your favorite hobbies: 1-Going to the gym (I love Gold Gym's killer Power Pump class!) and/or jogging the Provo River Parkway trail. 2-Designing floor plans. 3-Studying the Gospel. 4-Playing the piano. 5-Playing volleyball. 6- Reading self-improvement, fitness and nutrition books. 7- Quilting.
8. Five favorite foods: strawberry shortcake, thin-crust Hawaiian pizza,
Cafe Rio salad, anything from
China Lily, spicy black bean soup...yummy!
9. Five places you've been: 1-Ecuador (to pick my brothe
r up from his mission), 2-Honduras (to do humanitarian work), 3-Hawaii (we went on a cruise around the Hawaiian Islands), 4-Ohio (we flew out there to get Bryson--we also both served missions there), 5- Mexico (we went to Mazatlan for our Honeymoon and Cancun for a company paid vacation)
10. Five Favorite Memories: 1- seeing my mom sitting on the porch waiting for me to come home from school each day when I was little, 2- everything about high school (madrigals, seminary council, dating, volleyball, dances, sports, etc), 3- the lives I saw changed on my mission, 4- sitting alone in our motel room with Bryson on my lap right after adopting him. I just sat and stared at him with tears streaming down my face because I felt SO MUCH love for him and felt so blessed to have him, 5- kneeling across the altar from Mike on our wedding day and again a few weeks ago when we were sealed to Bryson.
People I'm tagging:
Rachel because I love her,
Missy because she hasn't updated her blog forever!!!,
Heidi H. because she just started a blog and I think she'd be excited to do it, and
Kacee because her blog is always so fun to read!