

This Christmas will forever be remembered as the year of the pirate ship. It's all Bryson talked about for months! Thankfully Santa was kind enough to grant Bryson his Christmas wish and he couldn't have been more excited. He's played with it 24/7 since opening it and begs me to let him bring it with us wherever we go.
We celebrated Christmas eve with Erin's side of the family as is tradition. Uncle Jake taught a special Christmas lesson, we had a talent show (Bryson's talent was blowing spit bubbles with his mouth...it was awesome), we acted out the nativity and exchanged gifts.
Each year Granny gives all the grand kids Christmas jammies. Since Bryson likes to sleep in just his undies, Granny gave him a cute bath robe instead of jammies this year. He's loved snuggling up in it after his bath each night.
We spent a relaxing Christmas day with Mike's family. His parents gave us food storage stuff, which we were so excited about (seriously, we were!). We set a goal when we moved into our house 1 1/2 years ago to get our food storage completely finished before we start spending money on fixing up our house. We are just about there and I'm so excited because I'm DYING to start making over the rooms in our house. Can't wait!

Mommy Kim sent Bryson a package stuffed with everything in the picture above. Bryson loved it and has had fun watching each of the movies and playing with the Star Wars stuff. Her parents also very generously sent Bryson a Christmas package with cool pirate stuff in it and some necklaces made out of real buckeyes! Go Buckeyes!

We Skyped with Mommy Kim Christmas evening and Bryson spent about an hour holding everything up to the camera one by one so she could see each and every present he got. It was pretty cute. Thank you so much Mike, Marcia and Mommy Kim for the gifts! We love you guys and appreciate so much the love you continue to shower upon Bryson! He's such a lucky little guy!

I have to end with this because it pretty much consumed my December. I spent every free second I could find in December designing and coding our new site over at Designer Blogs. You have no idea how glad I am to be done with it! It was a ton of work but I think it will be well worth it. I continually feel so grateful to be able to work from home doing something I love.

It's sad to see 2011 go. It was a great year, but we look forward to what's to come in 2012. Happy new year!
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