
Remembering our Miracle

Last Thursday my little man turned 4 years old. Each year around his birthday, I am brought to remember all of the miracles (most of which we didn't realize were miracles until after we had him in our arms) that took place in order for Bryson to become our son.

As I've been thinking about the miracles we witnessed, I've also been brought to think about all of the trials, adversities, disappointments, and uncertainties that led up to each miracle. Truly "...ye receive no witness [or miracle] until after the trial of your faith." (Ether 12:6)

I believe our trials are in fact pieces of miracles that have yet to be realized. As we reflect upon our trials we can, with time, come to understand the hidden miracles embedded within each of them.

Right now in my life I am yearning for something that feels so right but at this point seems utterly impossible and will literally require a miracle in order for it to occur. If the miracle I’m hoping for fails to happen, I will honestly feel like I’ve lost a piece of my heart and will most likely cry for a day, or two, or three, but at the same time I will be forever grateful for the miracle I have already felt take place in my heart. I will be forever grateful for what Heavenly Father has taught me about faith. My faith in His plan for my life has been strengthened more through this experience than ever before. I’ve learned through this experience how to trust in Him completely. To put my doubts, worries and fears aside and just TRUST HIM. To trust that God knows what he’s doing. To trust no matter what has happened in the past, no matter what choices have been made, in the end all will fall into place and, if necessary, miracles will occur to allow His will to be done. I hope and pray in the end the miracle I am longing for will come to pass, but if not, I know I’ll be okay because I trust and have faith that Heavenly Father knows what He’s doing to help me become the best Erin I can be.
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