
Hoping to Adopt!

As you may know, we are in the process of expanding our family again through adoption. We are so excited and hope you will help us in our journey by spreading the word about our desire to adopt. The more people who know about our desire, the greater the likelihood we’ll find the child meant to join our family.

If you know of a birthmother who may be interested in placing her child for adoption or just wants more information about her options before making a decision, please refer her to the website www.itsaboutlove.org. If she is interested, she can learn about us by viewing our adoption blog at www.mikerinadoption.blogspot.com which we have set up specifically for adoption purposes. Our adoption profile will be published online in a few weeks at www.itsaboutlove.org and we will email out that link when it is available. We will also be placing the link to our profile on our blog as soon as it becomes available.

We are very excited about this process and hope you can help us build our family through adoption!

Please also remember to share the word about my sister's hope to adopt. You can visit their profile here.

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