Here's how the birthday boy's day went down:
7:30 am - Woke up to mommy singing happy birthday to him which planted a great big birthday smile on his face. He was so excited about his big day.
8:00 am - Ate a birthday breakfast and sang happy birthday to himself.
8:30 am - Opened one birthday present (he had to save the rest for when daddy got home). He got a little water gun that he picked out yesterday.
9:00 am - Helped mommy clean his room to make room for all of his new birthday toys.
9:30 am - Got a birthday call from Nonni. He told her about his new gun.
10:00 am - Had a sword fight with mommy. He was the bad guy, mommy was the good guy.
11:00 am - Went to Chuck-E-Cheese for a birthday lunch and to play. He won 14 tickets and traded them in for a teeny-tiny plastic lobster which he lost two minutes later.
12:30 pm - Ate birthday ice cream with mommy.
1:00 pm - Had a long birthday nap.
5:00 pm - Got a happy birthday video message from Mommy Kim!!! He couldn't stop smiling.
5:30 pm - Got a birthday call from Granny Goose.
6:00 pm - Ate a birthday dinner. Chicken enchilada's, rice and veggies.
7:00 pm - Daddy got home and gave him a big birthday hug and kiss.
7:30 pm - Rachel, Brock, Granny Goose and Grandpa Hink all stopped by to watch him open presents.
8:00 pm - Played with all of his new presents.
8:30 pm - Bathed with some of his new presents.
8:45 pm - Went to bed with his new presents.
We're having his official birthday party on Saturday, so stay tuned for that!