Highlights from Christmas...

Bryson's "deer in the headlights" look. He's still dang cute though.

Chrismas party with Mike's buddies from high school.

It's fun to see Mike with his high school friends. I can tell they mean a lot to him.

Photo shoot with Aunt Bethany.

Video arcade.

Bowling. Bryson LOVED IT!

Christmas morning. Bryson had both sets of grandparent's there to watch him open his presents (lucky boy!). He got the cutest missionary piggy bank, complete with some money to fill it, from his Granny Goose.

Mike's new jammies. He's wanted a pair of these since he was six and FINALLY got them!!!

Christmas Eve in their Christmas jammies.

Acting out the nativity on Christmas Eve.

Runaway donkey.

Family pic on Christmas Eve. Hopefully we'll have one more with us next year! :)

Chillin' with the fam.

Story time.

Hope yours was great too! Merry Christmas!