1. Bryson traveling wonderfully (minus the final hour of the 23 total hours we were on the road)! It's amazing the difference having a portable DVD player can make on a trip.
2. Eating fresh grapefruit picked from the trees in the backyard each morning.
3. Eating Thanksgiving dinner outside by a pool in 80 degree weather.
4. Taking family pictures on the Mesa temple grounds
(I'll post the professional ones when we get them)
5. Watching how excited the grand kids got about every activity planned for them.
6. Playing beach volleyball with family at a park...again in 80 degree weather.
7. Getting to shop in an outdoor mall with no distractions. While I shopped 'til I dropped, Bryson went to a movie (Planet 51) with his cousins and Unky & Nonni. Mike was out golfing with the guys.
8. Watching Bryson dance and run around crazy with all of his cousins.
9. Celebrating Christmas together early. We did a little nativity reading and exchanged gifts.
10. Making up story after story for my nieces and nephews, who for some reason think my stories are "amazing!" and that I am "the best story teller ever!" (if you heard the silly stories I tell, I'm sure your opinion would be quite the opposite).
11. Watching Bryson gently play with the baby Jesus from the nativity set ALL NIGHT LONG. He preferred playing with the baby Jesus over all of his fun new toys. He even slept with baby Jesus and had baby Jesus watch him take a shower in the morning.
12. Getting stopped in a standstill (traffic was completely stopped both ways) on the freeway for over an hour on our way to visit my brother Jake and his family down in Tucson. People were getting out of their cars and walking down the freeway. We saw three people take a pee in a bush by our car. Bryson even got to get out of the car and play in the middle of the freeway for a bit . How many two-year-old's can say they've done that?
13. Getting to see Jake and Michelle's AMAZING house. If you haven't visited their blog yet, it is a MUST SEE. Click here to be wow-ed.
14. Watching Jake try to teach Mike how to kite surf (on land). It was hilarious! Mike about got carried away by the kite several times. Watch Mike in action here:
15. Seeing the beautiful lights and nativities at the Mesa Temple.
16. Watching BYU defeat Utah in the big game. Go cougars!!!
17. Watching how cute Mike was with Bryson after the lights. Mike kept tipping Bryson's stroller back and saying "are you still warm?!?" Bryson loved it and kept cracking up every time Mike did it.
18. Hearing Bryson, while eating Mike & Ike's on the drive home, call them "Ike & Daddy's"