I love music.
Let me rephrase that. I love GOOD music.
It moves me.
Music stirs up emotions and feelings in the soul that words cannot express.
I especially love the rustic, vibrant tones of the piano.
I'm probably a little biased because I've been playing the piano since I was four. I wanted to quit when I was nine or ten, but my mom told me if I wanted to quit I would have to call my piano teacher and tell her myself.
My piano teacher intimidated me so much that I never mustered up the courage to call.
Now as I look back, I'm grateful.
Soon after I was blessed with opportunities to perform in various concert halls around Salt Lake City including the Assembly Hall on Temple Square, the Capital Theatre, the Cathedral of the Madelein, and Abravenal Hall.
Performing in those beautiful concert halls were some of the most memorable experiences of my childhood.
Those experiences helped me overcome the fears of public performance, they strengthened my self-confidence, and taught me the value of dedication and hard work.
My piano/music experiences have played a huge part in molding me into the person I am today.
I'm so grateful for a mother who instilled within me her passion for beautiful music by providing me with opportunities and experiences to grow musically.
Thank you mother.
Here is a video that to me is a celebration of beautiful music. It's Jon Schmidt's unbelievable arrangement of LOVE STORY by Taylor Swift & VIVA LA VIDA by Coldplay. Bryson and I both watched it wide eyed. Enjoy.