We had a fun Terrific Tuesday at the Living Planet Aquarium.
I love that Bryson is learning how to pretend. In this picture he was pretending to be a little puppy dog. He barked, scurried around, and drank from a bowl just like he sees dogs do. It was so cute!

We had a fun Easter egg hunt this year with my family. Last year Bryson didn't have a clue what was going on, but this year he caught right on and found the eggs like a pro.
It was cute to watch all of the kids look through their loot after the hunt.
We were out by Mac's grave on Terrific Tuesday so we decided to stop by to say hello and to tell him that we missed him.
The kids loved exploring the baby graves to see what fun things were on each of them.
This past week we also went to visit my friend Ryan and his wife, who has been given only a few more weeks to live. It was heartbreaking to see her in the condition she's in. She doesn't seem to be in a lot of pain, which is good, but she is definitely not the same Jen we know and love. After visiting with Jen for a little bit we went downstairs to visit with Ryan. He is so strong. Through tears he shared with us his powerful testimony of eternal families and how he knows he'll be with Jen again someday. His faith is so strong and is such an example to us. Please continue to keep them in your prayers.
We also went to dinner with Sarah, who I taught on my mission and her husband Gary, who use to work with Mike. We went to our favorite Chinese restaurant of all time, China Lily, and had a fun visit with them. They are moving back to Texas in a few weeks, so it was great to spend time with them one last time before they go.
And that about sums up the last week or so...
and now I'm caught up....
almost. :)