
19 Months Old

Our little dude is 19 months old today! I haven't really done monthly updates about him recently, so I thought I'd do one this month because he has been learning and changing so much lately.

This isn't the best picture, but it's the most recent one I have of him so I thought I'd post it.

Bryson is such a joy to have in our lives. Here's a list of what he's been up to lately:
  • He loves to play our electric piano and dance to music.
  • He seems to have hit a growth spurt and has really shot up lately.
  • He is loving the nursery and has done amazing in there.
  • He is saying quite a few words and learns a new one just about every day. Here's a list of the ones I can think of off hand: mommy, daddy, baby, hello, hi, hey, ball, balloon, bubbles, water, no, milk, Bra (Brock), Cali, Ali/Ally, banana, keys, Jesus, uh-oh, bye-bye, up, Nemo, and Elmo.
  • He can make the sounds for these animals/things: cow, dog, bear, lion, tiger, cat, duck, horse, chicken, rooster, bird, pig, witch, and bum (daddy taught him that one).
  • He can point to and name these body parts: eyes, nose, mouth, ears, hair
  • When we go out shopping he waves and says hello, hey, or hi to everyone we see.
  • He mimics everything we do
Mike and I love to go into his room every night after he's fallen asleep to make sure he's covered up well and to give him kisses. The other night as we were kissing him and telling him that we loved him, he started grinning from ear to ear. He was totally asleep but just kept smiling as we whispered "sweet nothings" into his ear. It was the cutest thing and melted our hearts. We love him so much and can't imagine life without him. Here's a cute one minute video clip of him from the other day:

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