We had such a fun Valentine's day yesterday. I woke up and went to my Power Pump class at the gym, came home and made Mike breakfast, and then we gave each other our Valentine's gifts. Mike woke up really sick and ended up working from home all day, which was such a fun treat for us. Bryson loved having daddy around all day to play with.
That evening Nonni and Unky (Mike's parents) babysat Bryson for us so that we could have an evening out together. Bryson loves his Nonni and Unky and had fun showing off his killer walking skills for them.
After dropping Bryson off at Mike's parents house, we drove up to Salt Lake, went out to dinner, and then went to the Jim Brickman concert (click here to listen to songs from his new album). I cannot even begin to tell you how much I LOVE his music. There is just something so timeless and refreshing about it. It's my fifth time seeing him in concert and I just learned last night that he is a native of Cleveland, Ohio (that's where Mike and I both served missions and first met), which just gave me one more reason to like him. The concert was fabulous and despite the fact that Mike felt really crappy all night long from being sick, he still made the night so memorable for me. Thanks babe. I love you so much!