We had a fun family barbecue in my parents backyard for Pioneer Day. We sat Bryson on the lawn and he sat and played with this soccer ball FOREVER, without even falling over. He's getting really good at sitting.
After Bryson got done playing, he needed a nap. We don't have a rocking chair at our house, but wish we did because Bryson loves to be rocked. Bryson's cousins, Zyan & Chazz wanted to help me rock Bryson to sleep, so they joined me on the swing and we sang Primary songs to Bryson as he fell asleep. They sure love Bryson and are great cousins to him!
After the barbecue we hopped on TRAX with my family to go to a Bees baseball game. It was Bryson's first train ride and he loved it, especially because there were so many interesting people to look at.

Towards the end of the game Bryson started to get sleepy again and conked out. He slept through half of the extremely loud firework show they had after the game, but then woke up towards the end in amazement at what he was seeing. He sat with the widest eyes and didn't seem to blink even once. He loved the firework show!

I just added this one because Mike thought it was cute. Not only were the fireworks really loud, but we were sitting in front this incredibly loud speaker, so I did what I could to protect Bryson's tender little ears from all the noise.