
Playdate with Joseph

Since Bryson no longer has a live-in playmate (aka: Brock), I've been trying to plan weekly playdates with kids his age in the area so he can still get out and socialize. This last week's playdate was with Bryson's nursery buddy Joe. Bryson had a blast playing with all of Joseph's fun toys and watching a few minutes of Monsters Inc. before we headed home. I enjoyed visiting with Joe's mom and getting to know her better.

We are absolutely LOVING living here!!!! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE IT!!!! I swear I've said that to Mike at least once a day since we moved here. We are really starting to feel at home in the ward and have already spoken in Sacrament meeting (last Sunday). Bryson and I have been enjoying going jogging and eating lunch together everyday with my little brother Ike, who just works around the corner. We've also been enjoying walking just about everywhere we need to go. It's so great here and we couldn't be happier!

P.S. A big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Mike, who turned 30 today!!!!
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