

We didn't get around to sending out Christmas cards this year due to the little bundle of joy pictured below but want to wish everyone a be-lated merry Christmas! We had a wonderful Christmas this year. Here's a look at some of the highlights:
Carly got a special visit from Mr. & Mrs. Claus this Christmas! She is progressing so well and is finally big enough for her surgery--yay! It is scheduled for this Thursday, January 8th so please keep her in your prayers. I will try to post another update about her before then with more details about her surgery and progress. Sadly Bryson and Lilly ended up not being able to visit her (like I posted about on Facebook) due to a huge influx of the flu at the hospital, but they did get to Skype with her on Christmas and they really enjoyed that and even got a few smiles from Carly during the call. Carly got spoiled rotten by the hospital and got piles and piles of gifts, clothes, stuffed animals, etc.

Bryson had a Christmas program at school that was amazing. Granny and Grandpa came to watch and then we went out to eat after.

Bryson got to lead his class in a few of the songs and he did so well.

We were the recipients of the twelve days of Christmas this year, which we (especially Bryson) just loved. Each day we got a new piece of this cute nativity set delivered to our door with a message about the piece.

The final day the baby Jesus was delivered to our door by this cute family (the Simpson's) and they came in and serenaded us with Christmas carols. They are the most amazingly service oriented family we know and we are so grateful for the examples they are to us of love and kindness.

We celebrated Christmas Eve at my brother Zack's house this year and had such a wonderful time. This is our annual grand kids Christmas jammies photo.

On Christmas Eve we were also the recipients of a Secret Santa gift from my family. They surprised us with Sinclair gift cards to cover our gas to and from the hospital. They pooled all of their money together and the very generous amount they gave us will probably cover our gas expenses until Carly comes home, which is such a blessing. We were so beyond touched and so grateful for their thoughtfulness and generosity. They are amazing.

Lilly was the first one awake at our house on Christmas morning and from our bedroom we could hear her giggles as she came down the stairs and saw all of the presents. It was so cute.

Bryson got a temple Lego set and Lilly got a doctor set. The $70 that Bryson asked for to give to the hospital, we decided as a family to get gift cards to give to the nurses, receptionists, doctors, etc. that had to work on Christmas Eve and on Christmas to thank them for all they do.

We have been so overwhelmed by God's love for our little family this Christmas season. We have felt it more this year than we ever have before. He is so aware and mindful of each of His children. He hears and answers prayers. He has answered our prayers and he will answer YOUR prayers. He makes impossible things possible in His time and in His way. We love Him and give all glory to Him!

Favorite quote this week:
"A moment of pain is worth a lifetime of glory."
-from the movie Unbroken

Life rules.
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