
The Big 5: Star Wars Style

Saturday we celebrated little man's 5th birthday...

Here's how it went down:
When the kids arrived, we sent them on a hunt around our house to find their light sabers, which were made out of swim noodles and duct tape. If they found a green one, they were on the green team. If they found a blue one, they were on the blue team.

Each child decorated the handle of their light saber and wrote their name on the bottom.

Then everyone got to pick a Star Wars character to be throughout the party (Bryson's idea) and we trekked outside with the masks on to take a picture.

I found these awesome printable masks at www.starwars.com, sized them in Photoshop and printed them out. I hard laminated them so they wouldn't rip, added string, and then cut the eyes out and my wrist open (no kidding) with an Exacto knife. Now I look like a suicide victim...but it was well worth the ugly battle wound because the kids loved them.

Here are the cute kiddos actual faces.

Then we played some games.
Game #1: Help Restore Order to the Galaxy! 
It's a pin-the-tail type game that I found at a party store.

 Game #2: an intense and very competitive bracketed light saber duel
(the kids LOVED this!)

Cute story: so the guy in this picture is our neighbor and friend Ty and Bryson absolutely adores him! Bryson loves him so much that he wanted to invite him and his wife Kami (in the background holding the cute baby) to his birthday party. I told him he could give them an invite but that they are very busy and may not be able to come (I didn't want him to get his hopes up too high). So the next day in church Bryson ran up to Ty at the beginning of Sacrament meeting and gave him an invite and then came back to where I was sitting on the bench and excitedly said "I hope they can come!" Well as you can see, they did come! As soon as Bryson saw them arrive, he got the biggest smile on his face and did a fist pump as he said "YES!" It was so awesome of them to come and they were such good sports and jumped in and played the games just like the kids. I know it meant so much to Bryson to have them there -- the fist pump proved it.
  Game #3: Destroy the Death Stars (thank you Pinterest)
I drew Death Stars (if you can even call them that...haha) on the ground in chalk and then each team tried to be the first to completely destroy their Death Stars with water balloons.

After the games we went back inside to open presents. I made little character cards that Bryson drew to determine which character's gift to open. He loves everything he got and has spent every second possible since then playing with each and every toy. We'll be spending this week de-cluttering his room to make room for all of his new stuff.

Then we moved over to the table to sing Happy Birthday to Bryson and to dish up the grub.

Each child got a cupcake with their character on it and a little glass of chocolate milk. I designed each of the cupcake toppers in Photoshop, attached them to party straws with tape and then shoved them into the cupcakes.

We ordered the cupcakes from The Sweet Tooth Fairy. Bryson came with me so he could pick out the kind of cupcakes, frosting color and sprinkles he wanted and I think he did a really good job! I didn't get to eat one, but everyone said they were super yummy.

We let the kids play until their parents came to get them and then sent each home with their light saber, their character mask, and a plastic Star Wars cup filled with treats.

According to Bryson, it was the "best birthday party ever!"

Yay for being 5! 
After the party Nonni & Unky (Mike's parents) stopped by to wish Bryson a happy birthday and to give him more gifts. Bryson is such a lucky little man. 

Thank you to all who came to help Bryson feel so loved on his special day.
Thank you for your generous gifts.
Thank you Ike for taking all of these great pictures so I could relax and not have to stress about it.
Thank you Mikey for being such an amazing husband and helping me so much with the party.

Most importantly, thank you Mommy Kim for blessing us with the opportunity to be Bryson's parents.
Your courageous choice has blessed our lives forever.
We love you!
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