
M-Prove Yourself Monday

A Tender Mercy

Yesterday was an amazing day! It was so amazing that it took eight pages of my large paged journal to write about it. That is the longest journal entry I have ever written--and I've written a lot! The day was just packed full of spiritual experiences that moved me to want to be so much better. It began at church, then carried into an amazing talk Mike and I had after church about our financial goals (gosh, I love that man!), and then continued on into an incredible youth fireside I attended with a closing musical number that left me sobbing....literally sobbing. After the fireside, I mopped up the tears on the floor around me and then walked outside to a beautiful full rainbow overhead that reached from one end of the sky to the other. It was like a spiritual witness, a tender mercy from my Heavenly Father that the gospel IS true and that He loves me and knows and understands every piece of me! I haven't felt the Spirit that intensely in a long time and it just felt so wonderful that I not only had to write the details of it in my journal, but had to share a little of it here as well. I believe that the amazing spiritual experiences Heavenly Father blesses each of us with throughout our lives are only small glimpses and a very small taste of the the glory that awaits us. I can't wait and hope I can live a life worthy to bask in that glory forever! I love my Savior with all of my heart and know HE LIVES! I just wanted to let the world know that I know that.

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