
Flagstaff Trip

This past weekend Bryson and I drove down to Flagstaff with all of my family for my big brother Jake's graduation. He graduated with a Master's in Education and we're so glad we were able to go.

Here are some highlights from the trip (in no particular order):

1. Watching Bryson run wild with all of his cousins at a park and in their jammies at the hotel.

2. Visiting two museums and learning about Martha Mason, who spent 60 years inside an iron lung.

3. Eating an amazingly delicious lunch at the Wild Sunflower Bread Company Restaurant.

4. Remembering my own graduation and the feelings of accomplishment as I watched Jake's graduation.

5. Getting held up by bandits while riding the Grand Canyon Train to the Grand Canyon.

6. Eating an ice cream cone with Bryson while overlooking the Grand Canyon.

7. Relaxing without a care in the world for hours on the porch of a lodge that overlooks the Grand Canyon.

8. Watching how hard Bryson worked throughout the entire train trip to earn a toy train that he asked for when we first arrived.

9. Swimming with Bryson in the hot tub and watching how proud he was of himself when he realized he was tall enough to touch the bottom just like the big kids.

10. Looking at the "dam water" with Bryson
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