
Family Home Evening

Hanging on our bedroom wall is a list of five goals that Mike and I set at the beginning of the year. On that list is the goal to have weekly Family Home Evening (FHE).

Back before we adopted Bryson we use to be so good at having FHE. We use to get together each week with about 5-7 couples in our Orem ward (we sure miss that ward!) to have FHE and developed some amazing memories and friendships. Then we adopted Bryson and moved and unfortunately kind of got out of the swing of things for a while. We'd have it occasionally but not consistently.

Mike and I both have testimonies of the importance of FHE, so we decided to make it one of our family goals this year to be sure we do it consistently and so far we've done pretty good--not perfect--but we are certainly better.

As I was trying to prepare the lesson on Monday, I stumbled upon some old face masks I made back when I served in the Primary years ago and was so excited I kept them because I knew Bryson would love them! We ended up talking about the importance of obedience by acting out the story of Nephi getting the brass plates. Bryson was so cute and was just beaming the entire time.

Here's Bryson modeling the masks:

As we were acting out the story, Bryson kept hearing us talk about "the brass plates." He noticed we didn't have a prop for the brass plates so he ran over to the kitchen drawer we keep his plastic plates and cups in and pulled out a "plate" for us to use. It was so cute and made us laugh.

In this life we will never be perfect but our desires to do good, to be better, and to overcome our weaknesses and imperfections CAN be perfect. It's those desires that will help us steadily progress to the beings we can ultimately become. I'm so blessed to have a husband who shares my same desires to be better and improve. I love him so much!
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